

Since before the millennial rollover, Minnesota men have taken home every amateur crown at Iowa's premier sprint, The Pigman, chancho hombreor "Little Pig" as is it known to some. Duluth's Brian Bich has won eight of the last 10 editions of this venerated event, and Medina's Kevin O'Connor has won the other two (and at least four titles in the 90s, aw well!). In syntactically awry Spanish, Brian and Kevin are the REY CHANCHO HOMBRES. Loosely translated, they are the Kings of the Pig Men. This is not to suggest they look anything like the grotesque guy in the photo, though we couldn't resist publishing the shot. It is totally sick, isn't it?

The 18th issue of the Pigman Sprint Triathlon is Sunday (June 6) and Brian and Kevin will be there. So will rookie pro from St. Paul, Devon Palmer. Will this be the year that Minnesota's macho reign ends? Will an Iowan (or someone from another state) finally take the amateur title?

We don't think so....

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Buffalo LogoYucky experiences yield unpleasant memories. Who in their right mind would return to the place where those displeasing Duckiesrecollections

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Scott Penticoff

Greta Simpson/New Bri

The 5th edition of the NEW BRI TRI will be staged at beautiful Long Lake Park Reserve in New Brighton on Saturday (June 5). This event has grown steadily since its inaugural running in '06, when less than 70 athletes participated. In '09, this sprint distance event boasted nearly 400 finishers despite a rather large "stay-in-bed-because-the-weather-is-yucky" no-show rate. This year's race, despite sharing the weekend with the immensely popular Buffalo and Pigman Sprint triathlons, should match or outdraw 2009's numbers. Registration is still open. LINK

The reason's for New Bri Tri's popularity are many, the most obvious being the event's outstanding venue and annual upgrades in the areas of staging and execution.

A glance at the current list of registrants strongly suggests that the women's course record--Greta Simpson's 1:14:23, set in the rain last year (photo -L)--will undergo some serious revision. The woman who should do the rewriting is Jenny Wilcox, who despite never having raced up to her potential on this route (6th in 2008, 3rd in 2007), could lower Simpson's mark by as much as four minutes. If she races like she did in her CR-setting victories at Cinco Du Mayo and Oakdale (and her 2nd at Gear West!), and the weather cooperates, that is.

The forecast for Saturday morning is partly cloudy with temps in the high 60s or low 70s; afternoon highs around 80 degrees.

The men's course best--Patrick Parish's solid 1:03:44 posted in '08--is within reach for two-time Minnesota Most Improved nominee Scott Penticoff (photo - R),....

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MMA nominations; then a truckload of MMA awards. US AOY honorable mentions; then the AOY crown. Enough milestones to build a pyramid.Midwest Series

On Saturday another stone was placed upon Cathy Yndestad's growing pile of rock-solid accomplishments. On Saturday, she won the venerable Apple Duathlon, a wonderful cap-feather in itself, but doing so also made her the first woman in the storied 11-year history of the Midwest Multisport Series to win all 10 of its member races. And with that quietly historic triumph on Saturday, she joined David Thompson as the MMS's most successful participants....

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The Apple: BFFs Go 1-2...

Apple LogoCathy and Julie are best friends. They do almost everything together and between them they have 64 blindingly white teeth that are rarely covered. Julie pointingSingularly and collectively, they radiate happiness and good will.

They are also top level multisport athletes. Heck, Cathy was the 2009 US Athlete of the Year. And Julie's not far behind. On Saturday at the 28th edition of the Apple Du, she was ahead. Until the final mile of the final run, that is. In the end, the AOY demonstrated why she had won that award. And 11 skinny seconds after Cathy finished, Julie was there to give her a big, toothy hug! Walking away from the line, the lettering on their bums reminded us that their last names were Yndestad and Hull.

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