Mexi Coke & Raspberry Batteries...

liberty-20.gifED. 1-0-3 for DKT, and Rookies rock the RochesterFest Experience. Words and pics on Tuesday. RESULTS

By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

Liberty Half Race Report - I ignored the number one piece of racing advice – never use anything new on race day – during my 2016 season opener. And, while I was never planning on “racing” Saturday’s Liberty 70.3 thanks to feeling off (hello, period headache), a brand spankin’ new tri bike and just coming off five weeks of no running, I’d be lying if I said I was pleased with my performance. When you have high expectations of yourself no matter what, it stings a little when you’re not where you want to be.

But, head down, do the work and onward! There are two more 70.3s on this summer’s schedule, and you can bet the results will be better :)  ...


Swim // 35:27, 1:41/100 yd

So, this was my first open water swim since IRONMAN Wisconsin last year, and it shows. I’ve been working my ass off at masters since November, so I expected my swim time to be faster than it was at this race last year. Maybe the course was long? Maybe I didn’t swim as hard as I could have? It sure felt like I swam faster, especially considering I drafted the entire back stretch on the speedy feet of eventual race winner Diane Hankee – and, even more so that during runout up the giant hill from the beach I had to stop momentarily to almost puke.  READ MORE

ED. The photos in her blogpost are awesome! They were taken by Nick Weiler, who has a major crush on Erin.
