Ligamentous Injuries...

ankle-sprian.gifBy Dr. Michael Williams

What Is A Sprain, Is There Anything Other Than Rest That Can Help?

A sprain occurs when ligaments are exposed to extreme pressure and are overstretched or torn. This ligament sprain is analogous to a strain of a muscle or pulled muscle, except that ligaments are less vascular than tendons and muscles, meaning that sprains can take longer to heal. Overstretched and torn ligaments are painful and often lead to other parts of your body not functioning properly due to compensation....


Ligamentous injuries have varying levels of complexity, each depends on the severity of the injury.

                  A 1st degree sprain refers to a mild sprain caused by the ligaments being overstretched

                  A 2nd degree sprain happens when your ligaments have stretched and possibly torn, but not severely

                  A 3rd degree sprain occurs when there is a total rupture of the ligaments, causing severe pain and rendering the involved joint very unstable

A 3rd degree sprain may likely require surgery. When it comes to 1st and 2nd degree sprains, there are more options. Techniques such as Transverse Friction Massage, Mysofascial Release, Physical Rehabilitation, Therapeutic Ultrasound, and Taping, us are often utilized. With a certified sports specific examination and treatment, these techniques allow for a faster initiation of tissue remodeling, and a more efficient return to full function.

If you have questions about ligament therapy, a current injury, or performance Contact me at Premier Sports & Spine Center today.

Dr. Michael Williams DC, CCSP, CSCS, FMT, GT
