IMPORTANT Updates....Doing His Part...


By Mitchell Clayton (mitchellclaytontriblog.wordpress.com)


(Posted on April 3, 2018 by Mitch)


Over the past month or two I had been posting training updates every 6 days or so, and its been a longer while since my last post! I don’t want to write on-an-on, so here are some bullet points highlighting what I’ve been up to…

  • I took the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) on Saturday, March 24. So, my training block leading up to that date was mostly skipped or significantly shortened. That Saturday also started my spring break, and I only ran once or twice over break because I was exhausted from all of my preparations for the MCAT, and because I traveled a bit (Bayfield, Wisconsin once and Duluth twice).
  • SO, I plan to get back on track with my training sometime this week.
  • HERE IS THE IMPORTANT UPDATE: My prior race schedule involved Grandma’s marathon, the Chisago Lakes Half Ironman, the Superiorman Half Ironman, and the TC Marathon. Well, triathlon attendance in Minnesota has been dropping over the past few  years and I want to do my part to help the tri community a bit. So, instead of doing just two triathlons, I’ll be doing 6 this summer, while still keeping my long-distance goals. I’ll do the Heart of Lakes triathlon, Chisago Lakes Half Ironman, North Mankato Triathlon, Superiorman Half Ironman, Square Lake Sprint, and a 70.3 somewhere on the east coast Oh, and no TC Marathon. I’m already sick of running so much and I want to ride my bike. Hopefully adding a couple of races (while giving some training time after Grandma’s Marathon) will help the tri community. I love this sport and the triathlon lifestyle, so mixing up a few things is the least I can do.  READ MORE