Three Things...Including Composting....


By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)


March was in like a lion – complete with a few inches of fresh snow – and it definitely didn’t go out like a lamb (feels like 4F this morning… ugh). Extended forecast temps in the 30s?! C’mon, Minnesnowta! So over winter and everything that comes with it (long down jackets, hats, boots, the cold…).  

As for training this month, a couple blips – including bombing a bike test and taking a week completely off from running. My left ankle started bugging me during a long-ish run, starting from my Achilles and moving to my posterior tib tendon. So after chatting with my coach, we agreed to shut it down for a few days. It worked, too. And a week later, it felt good as new. Lesson learned: Always listen to your body and don’t be afraid of taking some time off. 

Four things this month because I couldn’t narrow it down to three! 

1 – organizing iPhone pics  

You guys, there are 6,300 photos on my iPhone, dating back not even two years (to July 2016). How does that happen?! Digital is how it happens – it makes it far too easy to snap 17 versions of the same thing. (Side note: remember the thrill of getting a roll of film...

developed?! I miss that.) That many pics are overwhelming, so I’ve been slowly been going through them – only during easy trainer rides! – organizing them into months and events. And once that’s done, going through each month and deleting the duplicates, keeping only the best version. 

Some helpful tips as you organize your pics:

  • Delete blurry or duplicate images
  • Create albums based on year, month or event 
  • Choose your favorite pics (tap the heart!) for sharing, printing or creating a photo book 

And one more thing. Did you know you can rearrange the order of albums?! Neither did I until recently. On the albums page, simply click Edit in the top right, and then you can delete or move albums around. READ MORE
