More Name-Dropping - Male Masters...


By Garfunkel

In 2024, several men aged 40-59 (the “masters” category) rocked and will undoubtedly leap onto, or remain on, Team Minnesota. Before announcing Team MN and narrowing the field down to 3 official nominees for male Master of the Year, here are the highlights of the guys who caught our eye this year.

Dan Arlandson, 47, Burnsville:
Dan races exclusively 70.3s, and we’d love to see him hop into some competitive local short course races like Buffalo or Maple Grove. Nonetheless, he excels in the half distance, breaking 4:30 on 3 occasions this season.

Josh Blankenheim, 43, Duluth:
Josh has been the Northland’s numero uno for a while now, and this year he continued to show why. Three wins, 2 masters records, and a second behind Spencer Syvertson at Brewhouse olympic (who he edged-out a few weeks later at Lakes Country sprint)....

Jason Crisp, 47, Carlton:
Jason hasn’t been on the MMH Committee’s radar much in the past, but he displayed some serious speed this season. He placed 2nd twice and 3rd once, but each time behind only Team Minnesota-level talent.

Brooks Grossinger, 47, Mayer:
Brooks is a perennial MOY nominee and Team MN member. In 2024, he won at Timberman sprint (he 42nd career victory!) and placed 2nd twice.

Samuel Hauck, 40, Eden Prairie:
Sam has come back to triathlon in the past couple of seasons and we couldn’t be happier. His 2024 resume boasted an amateur win at Pigman olympic, a win at Timberman olympic, and a 7th (1st Master) at Maple Grove Olympic in 1:59:51.

Brandon Lee, 42, Lino Lakes:
Brandon had a very diversified portfolio of racing this season, which Simon and I love to see. He won a sprint distance race (Clearwater), an olympic distance race (Younglife), and set a 70.3 PR at Square Lake in a time of 4:18:13.
