Race Coverage

Burgers & Bomb Scares....

startED. We love the way Matt Payne thinks. And we love the way he writes and are trying to talk him into becoming a quasi-regular contributor to MTN. You'll see why when you read his terrific Du Nationals race report. It's a total hoot!

By Matt Payne (Purloined with permission from matthew-payne.blogspot.com)

Still Alive

Wow... it's been a solid six months since I've updated my craptacular blog. I'm sure my one or two loyal readers (hi mom!) are very disappointed. Truth is I've been on my grind. If I want to get any training done these days it has to happen in the early morning, so setting the alarm for 5AM has become completely standard. Between work, training, and trying to keep my kid alive and my wife sane there isn't room for much else. My master plan of regularly posting original content in order to build up a loyal following who I can then proceed to spam with...

Adsense and affiliate links so I can eventually generate enough revenue to go to the liquor store and buy a 40oz is way behind schedule. I'll try to do better.
