Race Coverage

Being Stubborn as......

photoTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2012 - suz-news.blogspot.com

Life Is What Happens To You While You're Busy Making Other Plans

By Suzie Fox

Ironman Wisconsin Race Report - I spent the majority of 2012 training and racing short course tris and dus and realizing how much I love short all out red line racing. Several people have suggested that I step away from triathlon and explore the steps to try to get into pro cycling and I was dreaming about duathlon nationals and have been curious where triathlon age group nationals would relocate, many short course only plans for 2013 formed in my head throughout the entire season....

I got so much Ironman advice it was overwhelming but the best advice I recieved came in an email from my coach who said, "Just be yourself and you'll get through. By be yourself, I mean be stubborn as shit." My first instinct was to fire an email right back saying, "HEY!!! I'm not stubborn!" But then I deleted it realizing that is exactly what a stubborn person would do and maybe I am indeed stubborn. On September 9 in Madison it was confirmed that I truly am "stubborn as shit" because shit hit the fan many times out there but I raced through it all with a smile on my face. I raced through lingering elbow and hip pain, major stomach issues, blisters, bleeding toes, calf cramps, and hamstring cramps but I loved it. I quite enjoyed the mental discipline required to complete an Ironman and there were also many happy and rewarding moments mixed in. If it is possible to love and hate something at the exact same time that is what happened all day long.

The swim was very violent and crowded the whole way. I got my goggles knocked off my face at the first turn buoy and just got pummeled trying to put them back on but that was part of the game and I paid $650 to start a 2.4 mile swim with 3,000 other people, what exactly did I expect? After I got my goggles back in place I became really aggressive, stood my ground and stayed positive. I did not enjoy the swim but I got through it and will keep working hard in the pool to get faster and more comfortable in the water. Heidi was the first amateur out of the water and won a $1,200 TYR prize package! The timing official at the awards ceremony told us that he had to triple check the results because he couldn't believe that a 47 year old had the fastest swim split!
