Race Coverage

2nd By Seconds...

ben podiumBy Ben Ewers (benewers.blogspot.com)

USAT Age Group Nationals Race Report - In looking back at any race effort you usually can find 16 seconds in a 2+ hour race that you could have cut out. Less fumble in the transitions. Push the swim/bike/run/you-name-it just a little harder. At the end of the day, it's all OK, as long as you made the best combination of emotional, physical, and mental effort you could make on that day. I was beaten by 15 seconds in the USAT National Age Group Triathlon Championships held Saturday August 10th in Milwaukee with a time of 2:22:23 on a beautiful day for racing. I was excited about the result given that I was not where I had planned to be with my run fitness. Optimal fitness, emotional and mental readiness at this level of racing are crucial as finishing places can be separated by narrow margins of just seconds. For example, I've finished second twice (by 24 seconds and now 15 seconds) and won twice (by 12 seconds and 1 minute) at these National Championships...
