Race Coverage

Friendly Results...

gretaHarvest Duathlon III - Have you seen the 2013 results page for last Saturday's Harvest Du? At first glance it appears chaotic, as if the participants were listed by height or weight, instead of place or time. This is because we assumed we would see a listing of finishers from 1st to last.

But you know what happens when we assume.

At second glance, though, we figured out that the results were alphabetical, which is cool because it makes everyone equal and people, especially those who finished in the middle or back of the race, can easily look up their own times and places, or those of people they know. So, we get it. These results are designed to be "friendly," which we totally appreciate....

After five minutes of intense scourization of the list of 119 finishers we discovered that the 2012 winners--Joe Schneiderhans and Angie Johnson--repeated as overall champions.

FYI, the girl in the photo above is 20-year-old Greta Titus, who was on page 4 of the HD results. She placed 5th in her AG and was 81st overall. In the photo, Greta is standing on top of Mount Kilamanjaro. How cool is that! PS - Greta is into a boy band called "R-4."

aaronIt took us a while to create a Top 5 list and non-open-class AG winners, but here they are:


1. Joe Schneiderhans - 59:22 & Angie Johnson - 1:09:46

2. Andrew Zabel - 1:02:11 & Katie Matzke - 1:11:04

3. Kevin Link - 1:03:23 & Rose Fitzsimmons - 1:11:27

4. Brian Schubring - 1:04:28 & Erin Keller - 1:13:18

5. Aaron Senne - 1:06:17 & Pam Stevens, 60 - 1:13:46


00-19 - Aaron Senne (photo L) - 1:06:16 & Camilla Schubring - 1:45:35

40-49 - Joe Schneiderhan - 59:22 & Rose Fitzsimmons - 1:11:27

50-59 - Larry Stracke - 1:05:07
