Race Coverage

Shared Adventures & Salty Balls...

jh and cy-2
Leadman Love

By Cathy Yndestad (trigirlcathy.blogspot.com)

Race Report - I’ve been a huge fan of the Leadman race concept and brand since its infancy in 2011. I missed the very first race (I was still in a shoulder sling), but I’ve raced in every Leadman event since-Vegas 125, Bend 250, Bend 125, Tempe 125. Each deserving their own background story, but I’ll spare you all that history. Basically the Leadman concept is long swim, longer bike and shorter run with the intention of preserving the body while still providing athletes with an epic long distance event challenge. And you get a fancy belt buckle for meeting specific time standards!  ....

This past weekend I raced my 5th Leadman event. The Leadman Marquee 125 in Tempe AZ. This was a perfect training race and a fun opportunity to test the body after only six weeks back into structured training.

After 10+ years of racing, the satisfaction I derive from events is primarily a factor of the fabulous people I share them with. Each of my Leadman races have been group adventures and this time around we had Julie & Erik joining us in the Valley of the Sun. It was another fantastic addition to our memory books. Kerry was still in semi recovery mode after a MTB crash at our camp in Vegas a few weeks ago so he opted for a swim and bike version of Leadman this time. Julie and Erik both had significant PRs so a fine day for our MN crew.  READ MORE
Photo - Julie Hull & Cathy Yndestad and their new buckles. Cool hat, CY!

