Race Coverage
Minneman Bonus: Like Coverage, But Not Really..
Tuesday, 06 July 2010 05:15
Have you seen YndeCam's spectacular MINNEMAN photos yet?
No? Do yourself a favor and visit yndecam.com ASAP. If you're a Facebooker, you can check out the highlight images on Kerry Yndestad's page. Kerry and company wield their Nikons as adroitly, and with as much aplomb and panache as Joe Mauer wields his Louisville Slugger.
To inspire you to visit Kerry's site, we'll describe some of the more compelling, in our humble opinion, shots.
* 0002: Co-Race Director Jonny J de-waxing his right ear.
* 0009 - The Minneman was not just a triathlon, it also hosted the 2010 Pillsbury Smile-Off. These are the finalists....