Race Coverage

A "Gutsy" Performance...

FINISH.gifBy Cathy Yndestad (trigirlcathy.blogspot.com)

IRONMAN ARIZONA RACE REPORT - Here’s the unabridged version:

I had such a great build and prep for this race. In hindsight, likely too perfect and I just didn’t develop that nervousness that usually gets all my systems revved up and ready for race day (including my gut)!! I was simply so happy and at peace with the blessings around me, but in reality, this is something I wouldn’t trade for anything.

The days leading up to the race felt relatively smooth, everything was on plan and I remained confident that I was well prepared for the race. No anxiety or nervousness, just eager to finally get out there and see what the day had in store. I typically don’t share race goals so publicly before an event, but this time I felt ready and was simply too excited to hold it in. Maybe Mother Nature didn’t appreciate those athletes confidently announcing their target times, and as a result she greeted us with her mighty blow on race day.  As I announced in my previous post, I was...

targeting a sub10hr finish and I felt like I had a solid buffer built into that time to include several inevitable ironman unknowns.  Unfortunately in the end, I spent 5 minutes too long on the course and although I should feel very proud of a 10:05 (Ironman PR), and a Kona qualification, i unfortunately I just didn’t feel the typical rush of emotion and joy when I crossed the finish line. Total bummer since that’s typically the best part! Anyhow, it’s tough to explain the why’s for that, but regardless, I’ll do my best to describe my race experience.

Saturday - Ironman Eve: What can I say, Julie is sherpa extraodinaire. It was so comforting to be surround by such loving and caring friends and having Kerry, Julie and Erik at the condo was just that. Everything was pretty seamless as I completed the typical pre race stuff - Chatted with friends, family, my coach etc and again, I just felt super even keeled. Body felt good, no last minute concerns or issues.  I had made my lists and checked them twice!

