Race Coverage

"High Fives on the Way"....


UPDATE: Elite late registrants rock socks at St. Croix Valley in steamy Hudson. RESULTS - Fox collects 10th race of the season at Hopkins Royal Tri II. PP starts last, finishes 1st...RESULTS


By Josh Duda (road2recovered.blogspot.com)

SUPERIOR MAN RACE REPORT - The intent of this race was to be my “A Race” of the season. This was going to be my big show!  Going into this race, I felt like I was right where I needed to be! 70.3 PR here we come! ...


I have HUGE compliments to the Superiorman organizers!  This was one of the most well run events I have done.  I paid $35 more for the VIP Package last January for which I received parking passes for the race ($10 value), my race numbers were mailed to me a week ahead of time, express checking at the venue, and a whole bunch of benefits I fortunately didn’t use (free bib transfer, free “no questions asked”  race deferral to 2016).joshs-bib.gif

We drove to Duluth on Saturday.  Check in had to be complete by 6pm when transition closed.  I had most of my transition area set up before I left that afternoon. After we got checked into our hotel, I met up with Katie to head over to the pre race meeting.  After the meeting, I met back up with my family for dinner, then an early bed time!

 Race morning started early for me!  Just after midnight I was evacuating my supper from my system!!!  I awoke from a solid sleep and had to puke immediately!  Not what I wanted/needed on race day, especially a long race where nutrition is key!  After clearing out the system, I pounded a protein shake to try to get some liquid calories back into the body.  Back to bed I went!

I awoke just after 4am to start my day.  My normal prerace breakfast didn’t even sound appealing, so I stuck with the liquid and had a double protein shake.  I walked from the hotel to transition…it took me less than 5 minutes! I put the final touched on my transition area (filled water bottles, etc), got body marked, and caught up with some of my triathlete friends.  At 5:45, we had to start loading the boat to head out to the swim start. READ MORE
