Race Coverage

Smoke & Satisfaction...

heather-run-fast.gifBy Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

Morning race prep:

CHALLENGE PENTICTON RACE REPORT - My chain came off when I was putting my shoes on my bike and I found out my derailleur was rubbing my disk when in the small gear. The mechanics were able to adjust it big PHEW!!


* In the pro meeting we convinced the race directors to have the pros start 10 minutes before the mass start instead of with it.  It was nice not to get clobbered by age groupers as well.

* It was still a rough start, someone hit my ankle knocking my chip out from under my wetsuit. I felt it slipping, it then came off completely but I was able to grab it before it sank.  I stuffed it into my wetsuit and down into my tri suit.  This was the first time I’ve had a chip come off my ankle!  ...

* Approaching the first buoy I was still near a couple guys and I got an elbow to the goggle and a few to the chest, so aggressive!
* It was hard to sight because it was dark and the buoys were small but made the best lines I could and exited the water first women, third overall.  (My times didn’t register I assume because it couldn’t sense my chip stuffed in the chest of my wetsuit).
* The water was amazing I loved it! Incredibly clean and clear, it reminded me of Bend. READ MORE
