Race Coverage

"I hugged That Guy For an Inappropriately Long Time"....

sara-kona-bound.gifBy Sara Carlson (sarastrilife.tumblr.com)


Ironman Wisconsin Race Report - Mentally, the Thursday before the race, you could say I was a mental mess. I had a headache, nerves, and such deep doubts and fears of under-performing. I kept thinking of all of the people that knew my goals and have read my blog and I quite frankly feared failure. Not a good place to be before my “A” race of the year!

After sleeping poorly Thursday night, I woke up on Friday morning and started my day off right with some quite time and journaling. I am about 3 months behind in my chronological Bible read-through, but I opened up to the next day on my list. 1 Kings 19 was the chapter; and I found the parallels to my race to be quite interesting…Elijah sleeping under a broom bush (run course takes you on Broom Street), and then being...

awoken by an angel to drink water & eat a special bread (which I really wish it really would’ve said “Infinit drink”-ha!) and then journeying 40 days on that fuel to the mountain of God at Horeb (Mount Horeb is the only place our LAMS crew volunteers at on the bike course). I thought some of the parallels were just uncanny, but awesome at the same time. I sat down and journaled my thoughts and fears. And then I wrote down my strengths, my race execution strategies, and my preparedness. That was a game-changer. I felt peaceful and ready to race on Friday and Saturday. I slept amazing on both nights; probably the best I’ve ever slept the night before a race! READ MORE
