Race Coverage

Surreal, Joyful, Eager...

peloton-chicago.gif(Great Paul Phillips / Competitive Image photo)

What does it feel like to win a World Championship title on home soil in an undefeated season?


By Gwen Jorgensen (gwenjorgensen.com)


SURREAL. I would never have ever imagined I would go undefeated this year and it is strange to sit here and find words to describe it. I don’t think it is something I will be able to grasp until my career in triathlon is over. Often Patrick and I will say to each other, “Can you believe this?” and the response is always a laugh…and a “no!”

PROMISING. Last year I debated quitting the sport after my race in Auckland. I thought I didn’t belong. At the time, Jamie and Patrick told me to take a week and just think about it and...

reflect on what I wanted out of the sport and if I wanted to continue. It was a rough time for me; but ultimately, I decided to continue. To go undefeated a year later is encouraging. And, I am relieved I decided to stay in the sport. My advice for anyone struggling with something they love: surround yourself with those who will make you better.

ORDINARY. The gun went off on race day and a little less than two hours later, I was crossing the finish line in first, winning my second World Championship title. While I was racing, I never thought about the WC title. It just felt like a race. It didn’t feel like a World Championship. And I still feel like plain old ‘Gwen.’

JOYFUL. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that I have to celebrate every single race! After the race, Red Bull hosted a party for my family and friends and me. It was incredible to be able to catch up with people I hadn’t seen since I left the USA in December of 2014. Thank you, Red Bull.  Red Bull also got me the hardest reservation in town at world famous restaurant Alinea! If you follow me, you know that one thing I love is food, so to be able to go to the best restaurant in the world was the perfect celebration after a year of hard work with my husband Patrick. My favorite course was a “hot potato, cold potato” – I put it in my mouth and there was so much amazingness going on I could barely comprehend it! It was perfect – thank you, Brent Beck and Red Bull.  READ MORE
