Race Coverage

",,,Take a Deep Breath and Pinch"...

dani-smiles.gifBy Dani Vsetecka (4iowasisters.blogspot.com)

Falls Du Race Report - Hey there! Just popping in to do a quick recap of a quick and fun race last weekend!  There are always good stories that come out of races and this one definitely had a few highlights!

  The Falls Duathlon in Cannon Falls had been on my radar for the last couple of months, but I held off registering early due to the inevitably variable and sometimes dicey weather this time of year.  I had heard reports of rain, wind, and even sleet at this race and for a warm weather-loving girl -- this sounded miserable! Running in the wet and cold? Tolerable. But biking? No thanks!  However, the weatherman predicted the rain would hold off the morning of the race and in a stroke of luck, I found out a few days before that several friends were planning on going, including RBM!  Fantastic!  With no pressure to win (with RBM there is no competition!), I thought it’d be a lot of fun to see some friends and see what my legs could do in a short race!  And in even better luck -- my mom, sister, and two nephews could make it to come spectate! ...

Having them stay with me the night before and being able to look for them on the course always makes the whole experience that much better. #nighttimecuddlesforthewin

  The 2 mile run,14 mile bike, 3 mile run course was intimidating.  While I had some pace goals in mind, I knew that with these shorter distances there would be no chances to ‘get comfortable’ and it would be a push the whole way! Not to mention I was going to have to try to keep up with the predicted competition!  RBM (a machine of a pro) and Jenn S. (a nationally well-decorated duathlete soon to be pro) would be no one to mess with!  READ MORE
