Race Coverage

Hanna & Hannon Headlines...

jenns-stuff.gifITU DUATHLON WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - AVILES, SPAIN - Rochester's JAMES HANNON, who was named USAT Du Master of the Year HM in 2015, missed a gold medal in his AG (55-59) by a scant four seconds yesterday behind fleet-footed Dutchman Henry Dullink. Dullink needed the fastest closing run split among his divisionmates to claim the win.

Awesome race. Congratulations, Jim!


Former US Duathon National Champion / US DOY (2013) JENN SCUDIERO posted these words on her FB page concerning her experience at yesterday's Du Worlds:

Not every race can be your race and not every day can be your day. I gave it everything I had today, but it was just a tough day. I took 6th in my age category and 25th female overall. I am so thankful for the opportunity to race here and for the experience racing in Spain at the Duathlon World Championships. I wouldn’t be racing today if it were not for some super awesome people, and when I say that, I truly mean it. ....

It was 3 weeks ago today that I was in a bad car accident. I went from being unable to turn my head to racing in two weeks. Granted racing has been challenging since then, but I am so thankful I even have had the opportunity. It has been a humbling experience to have so many people reach out and support me. I say that with tears in my eyes. It would not have been possible without the many amazing people in my life and the support of some great sponsors and people who went out of their way to help me get here.
First of all, thank you to all of my family and friends who helped support me in so many ways; messages, thoughts, prayers, check-ins, help, shoulders to cry on, all of the amazing race well wishes, and so much more.
Thank you to all of the following people, who are not only great at what they do, they are also amazing people. Michael Williams at Premier Sports and Spine Center - I don't think I'd be riding a bike (or running properly) right now without your help. My coach Jason Digman at Dig It Tri for the challenging training plans and for being incredibly supportive. Raquel Schwab Fogarty at Raquel's Fitness for the Raindrops/massages and pep talks. Kristin Hogan Matthees at The Seven Lifestyle for nutrition, oils, talks, and support. Chris Balser at Bicycle Fit Guru for the awesome bike fits and support. George Pierce at Pierce Footwear for the great shoes and encouragement. All of the great people at Gear West Bike and Tri for their knowledge, referrals, and team support.

hanna_G.gifA special thank you to my husband Tony, who rode the emotional roller coaster with me...I know it wasn't pretty.
You are all the reason I am here and able to have such a great experience. Thank you from the bottom of my heart <3 I am positive that I am going to shake this off and be better than ever. As they say, onward and upward.

NEW BRI TRI & PIGMAN SPRINT - DAVID THOMPSON collected his 102nd and 103rd career victories last weekend at New Bri and Pigman. He became the first guy ever to break 1-hour at New Bri (58:54), and his margin over runner-up Kevin Denny at Sunday's race in Iowa was 1:04.

DKT shared the Winner's Cirlces with HANNA GRINAKER (New Bri) and 2015 Minnesota Triathlete of the Year SUZIE FOX (Pigman). Remarkably, Hannah's win, and a very fast and very decisive one it was, came in her first triathlon. FYI, she popped a 2:10 at Buffalo the next day and was 2nd woman overall. This woman (photo R) is a special talent! NEW BRI RESULTS

For Suzie, it was her Pigman debut, and she outraced Wisconsin pro Molly Woodford for the win, the 35th of her career.

Other Minnesotan women who rocked in Iowa yesterday included BRIDGET MCCOY (3rd woman), KJERSTEN BUZEK (6th women/1st Master) and MADDY PESCH (9th woman).

KEVIN O'CONNOR placed 6th in the men's race and was the fastest master. RESULTS


ED. Buffalo Triathlon coverage will post tomorrow.
