Race Coverage

"This is Hard. But I Can do it."...

DANI_MIAMI.pngBy Dani Vsetecka (4iowasisters.blogspot.com)

Miami 70.3 Race Report - It’s always easier to write a race report for a race where everything clicks. But all races - especially the tough ones - provide an opportunity for growth and are just as important to reflect on. Ironman Miami 70.3 was an incredible experience and a lot of fun, but I definitely feel like I left behind some unfinished business.

First a little background.  Following a half-marathon PR in June at the Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon in Duluth (easily one of the best race experiences ever) and the Rochesterfest Road Mile less than a week later (easily one of the worst race experiences ever), I found myself faced with stress fracture number six....


This time in my fibula and, as usual, on the left side. (Can someone please tell this leg to get it together?) I did the now familiar drill of “focus on rehab, work on the swim and bike, stay as positive as possible” and was pleasantly surprised at how well I coped. It’s no secret I love to run, but being through this before, I knew I’d be able to run again - just not as soon as I would have liked. I had a lot of good things going on in my life this time around too, so taking some time to heal was *slightly* less painful. I also quickly replaced my race plans for the summer with race plans for the fall and set some new and just as exciting goals. Instead of the Door County Half Iron and Olympic Age-Group Nationals, I’d target Ironman Miami 70.3 with an Olympic distance triathlon as a tune-up. A chance to travel to the beach in October? Yes, please. :)


I took a 5:30am flight from MSP to Miami Thursday before the race.  While I like early mornings, the ridiculously early o’clock wake-up call was a bit much.  Ufffff. ...READ MORE
