Race Coverage

Acabado Rapido!


By Ruth BrennIan Morrey


Ironman 70.3 Pan American Pro Championship, Monterrey, Mexico!

4th Overall 4:14...something.

Very talented and deep field & super important race for me to set up my season.
Swim: Started out by digging myself into a hole with a slow nonwetsuit swim in second to last place. But, the best thing one can do is have acceptance of 'what is', take a deep breath, stay task focused, and fight until the very end.
Bike: 2:18. Gradually gained time, but didn't catch anyone until the very end, making for a very lonely first 3 hours.
Run: Fastest half marathon of my life (1:18:04, 5:55/mi ave) dating back to 2001 when I ran 1:18:21 at age 23 at Grandmas half, without a swim or bike beforehand. :) At age 41, we can say things like this that we are proud of. I felt like I was floating along for 13 miles....

Mark Morrey: This guy is unreal. Has the busiest week at work, makes a 24-hour Mexican visit where he demonstrates world class split-giving, spectating and unconditional love and support. He didn't take a single race picture. Ain't nobody got time for that when you have a job to do!
Coach Matt Hanson: Matt, I am starting to understand how you can consistently hammer in 2:41 Ironman marathons. Matt has been guiding me through the past 8 weeks, and after some of the most challenging sessions to date, I am discovering a new depth to what I am made of on the race course. Thank you.

Matt Hawkins (Rochester Cycling)
Tiffany Piotrowicz (Terraloco),
Anne Hed (Hed Cycling),
Ally Murphy (Ally's Bar),
Brian McQuilkin Joan Kopacz (Active PT),
Matt Remick & Christopher James Zink (Rochester Athletic Club)

I stay "small" and local for a reason. You guys are the BEST, BEST, BEST! So grateful for all you do for me. Team effort today!

