Race Coverage

One-Eyed Biking...



By Jenn Scudiero (from Facebook)


Duathlon Nationals Mini-Race Report - As my vacation here in Oregon comes to an end, I've been trying to figure out how to summarize my race at the Duathlon National Championships. It's hard to put some things to words, but I'll give it my best shot. If nothing else, this picture does a pretty good job...

Last year's race was only a few weeks after my accident, so finishing was a physical and mental struggle. I was determined to come back and tackle the tough course with a healthy body. This year was the same tough course and even better competition. I finished 6th overall and 3rd in my age group. It was such an amazing experience to come back feeling and racing strong....


Of course, no race day would be complete without a few extra credit obstacles. I managed to ride my bike all the way to the race and forget my running shoes, whacked my head on my bike in T1, and lost a contact on the first bike lap making for a very interesting rest of the race. Racing my bike with one eye was definitely an experience 
