Race Coverage




By Ted Treise (venturetri.com)


Madison 70.3 Race Report - Finally! I got my Chattanooga spot. We had one chance to get this right with the qualifying cut-off coming up fast in addition to factoring in recovery time it takes from doing these crazy races. I am happy to report I was 1st place in the U24 field, and 16thoverall, securing my spot at the Ironman 70.3 World Championships in Chattanooga, TN.  In Madison on race day, the temp was a muggy 80s, the roads kept one on their toes, and the run was deceivingly hard. Let’s hope this race report is nothing less than a steamer.

The Lead-Up

After Long Course Worlds in Miami, I took some time off to not do triathlon stuff? I traveled to NYC for a week, but mostly this time ended up with me swimming, planning this year, and learning how to make a website from YouTube Videos.  What great success on my goal for an off season break from things all tri, eh? Throughout this time, I ran and biked very little....


My lack of movement ended up being my equivalent of the Secret Stairs to Mordor. Assuming I’m Frodo and Shelob the spider is an injury. ANYWAY, what I am getting at is soon after training began I over ran, and my Achilles flared up for about 3 miserable months.  READ MORE
