Race Coverage

Glorious Day. Glorious Race...


By Christel Kippenhan (seecktri.wordpress.com)

Timberman Race Report - This was the third time racing Timberman for me, and with every year I seem to love this race more: great venue, great course, great organization, great volunteers, great people, great company … and on Saturday also great weather!

During my run warm up, I had just completed some skips, one of the volunteers looked at me and said, “Your name is Kepp…, Kipp…, Kippsomething …”
“Yep, it’s Kippenhan.”
“I knew it! I knew it’s you! … I had your Biomechanics class almost 20 years ago … I’m Trisha, I played Volleyball for BSU … I still have the binder with your class materials … Look at you, doing triathlon …”
Yes, I seem to run into former students everywhere. But, it’s a good sign that they still recognize me and even better that they still want to talk with me ;-). It is also a sign that I have been and Bemidji State already for a long, long time....


Swim > 22:48; 1:17 / 100 yds; 4th female; 1st age group

Garmin > 1:28 / 100 yds

I love the camaraderie and banter we have among us triathletes. Before the start of the race, Andrea Myers (who ended up winning the Masters title) and I were teasing Christina Roberts (who ended up winning the race) that it is obviously clear that she will leave the water as the first woman but the real question is if she can catch up to Andrea’s husband Scott. whose wave would start the swim three minutes ahead of us. Christina just responded dryly “That’s the plan.”  READ MORE
