Race Coverage

Flat Coke & Bloody Shoes....



By Sara Carlson (sarastrilife.blogspot.com)


Chisago Half IM Race Report - After finishing the Fargo Marathon in May, I struggled with finding my mojo for Triathlon training again. My brain seemed to tell me, “hey, you met your main goal for the year in qualifying for Boston  (like 7 minutes faster than my marathon goal time with a 3:23!), take it easy. So, I had a few key sessions that I slept through or least placed a little lower on the priority list than I should have. I really enjoyed the simplicity of just training my run game over the winter and am looking forward to it again this winter. After a good long off-season, that is!


So, for this race, my husband and our youngest 2 kiddos made our way down to the cities on Saturday. We got my packet picked up, checked in to our hotel in Forest Lake and got out and enjoyed some good old-fashioned fun together. The kids had some fun in the pool, we took in a round of mini golf in Taylors Falls & then caught the tail end of a parade in Center City while we ate (@ the Pizza Pub-yummy!). I love it when we get the chance to take in some playtime on race weekend!


Toughman Chisago 70.3 race report:  ...



Race morning: I woke up just before my 5 am alarm clock & ate three hard-boiled eggs and two pieces of  multigrain gluten-free toast with peanut butter and honey. I wasn't  hungry at all, so that was a bit of a chore to finish. I washed it all down with a cup of black coffee while my hubby Mike, the best race Sherpa ever, dropped me off at the race venue. I love that Toughman pre-assigns bike rack spots in transition. Less feeling like a Black Friday door buster shopper to get there and get setup. I had some rear tire brake issues and some getting-in-the-ridiculously-long-bathroom-line-too-late issues. Before I knew it, I had 7 minutes to get in the water before the race started!   READ MORE
