Race Coverage



By Joe Adriaens (triad.triadriaens.com)


CHISAGO HALF IM RACE REPORT - Toughman long course: aptly named.  This race usually has some rolling hills on the run with little to no shade.  Although the course was changed a bit this year, the hills and heat remained the same. This course is tough no doubt, but honest.

Leading up to the Race

Theme of the race: REDEMPTION. Coming off the Heart of the Lakes debacle and the complete bonk-fest last year, I was looking for a performance I knew I was trained for. Chisago came just two weeks after HOLT, so that didn't give me much time to gain any additional fitness.  The workouts leading up to this were pretty low key with a few harder effort bikes and a couple tempo runs off the bike.  Other than that, pretty standard....

The strategy for this race was the same as it has been all year.  Stay with Sean as much as possible without blowing up completely on the bike:)

Race Morning

Business as usual, Emma and I were up before the crack of dawn at 4:00 AM.  We got to work on getting some calories in.  Cuisine of choice for the morning was half a banana, some almond butter, white rice, and a sports bar.  After we plowed that down, we loaded up the truck and were out the door as the drive to Chisago is about 50 minutes from our house.

We arrived just before 6:00 AM to get body marked and get our transition set up.  For this race, I was rocking numero uno!  I was hoping that wasn't a bad omen :)   READ MORE
