Race Coverage

Getting Fat in the Winter...



By Nikki Dostert Sudberry

Yesterday (December 17) was my first fatbike race!
It started out great; all of my friends were there and we had perfect weather conditions❤️ 
I signed up for the 30k ( 18ish miles)
Easy, right? Omg no. No no no.

That was yesterday morning; I was younger then and full of hope.🤣
After 1 hour of riding I had done 4 miles. ...


I’m sure this doesn’t mean a lot to some of you but I ran 7 miles this morning in the same amount of time. 
My brain was so fried and my body resembled that of a UFC fighter or a night of trying out some major Karate Kid moves after some beers!
I didn’t come in last for my age group- I came in dead last. Humbling experience to say the least. If you would have asked me yesterday I would have said “it’s the worst day.” The good news is I can’t actually get worst- I can only get better. I have been last in many things in my life and this is no different. And thinking about being with all of my friends and watching these amazing women kick ass is encouraging. It CAN be done. 
Looking back on yesterday my mind is thinking about the fun I had.❤️ I’m thankful for all of my friends who made me feel better after the ride and for the new friends I made:)
Norpine Classic is in two weeks- I better learn to #rideafuckingbike and #bebetter
