Race Coverage

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HOOT LAKE TRIATHLON - Rookie pro KEEGHAN HURLEY, from Dent, Minnesota, and aspiring ITU pro ANDREA NUNEZ-SMITH (adorable photo), who appear to like each other a lot, led the way at Saturday's Hoot Lake Triathlon, which was celebrating its silver anniversary, which, for those who prefer numbers, is slang for 25th. (Oops! It was actually the 26th annual. According to Google, the event celebated its jade anniversary.)

And they did so in record-breaking fashion. Hurley's 1:01:21 wasn't far off his winning time in 2017 (1:00:38), when the bike course was two miles longer. The performance lowered the men's CR by more than three minutes,

Nunez-Smith, a Texan and graduate of the University of Arizona, kicked off her 2018 season with a win at the Havasu Olympic Triathlon. Her win at Hoot in 1:14:00 lopped more than four minutes off Angie Hop's long-standing women's record.

Andrea works for Clif Bar. Our guess is that Berry Pomagranite Chia is her favorite flavor. She has eclectic musical and cinematic taste, and unashamedly watches "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" and "Sponge Bob."(Who doesn't enjoy Sponge Bob?)...


Keeghan likes Adam Sandler movies and dark roast coffee, has read "The Hobbit," and likes to play "Twister." He leaves the room when Andrea watches the Kardashians.

Hoot Lake's runners-up were COREY NYGAARD, who has racked up three 2nds this season, and former Minnesota Junior of the Year KRISTINA SWENSON, who also has three second place finishes this year. RESULTS


ED. We contacted Keeghan to tell us more about Andrea Nunez-Smith. It was impressive stuff!

Hey MTN,

Just to follow up to give you some insight on Andrea for your article. So she just graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in communications. While she was there she competed for their Tri team where she earned All American honors and her last year she was on the cross country team as well. During her Triathlon career she qualified for the 70.3 World Championships when it was in Las Vegas. She also is a aqua-thon national champion as well. Her Background is in swimming as she grew up in Austin and her mom swam for the University of Texas. She recently just earned her pro card in the escape series race in Huntington Beach CA but she is waiting on accepting it so she is still am amateur for this year.

So your probably wondering how she found out about Hoot Lake and why she would race it but thats because she and I live and train together in Saint George during the winter. I was telling her how great Minnesota is and she wanted to visit and do a race.

If you want to talk to her directly though ill have her add you on facebook and you guys can connect! thanks so much!

