Race Coverage

Fueling My Fire....


By Paige Schulz (therightfits.com)


Ironman Wisconsin Race Report - Hi Everyone!....I wrote a guest post for this site last year sharing my running through pregnancy and the start of my return-to-running postpartum, (re-read that post HERE!) Remember how I ended being first female overall during the Ironman Wisconsin Friends and Family 5K at only six-weeks postpartum? Well, that turned out to just be the beginning of my Ironman success and apparently it lit a flame to complete an actual Ironman. Well, it happened on September 9, 2018!

Below is my race recap for Ironman Wisconsin 2018!


Goal: 1:15 on a good day, 1:20 otherwise

Actual: 1:14:36 (1:45/100yds) 22/61 in age group. Very middle of the pack pace! ...


I lined up in the 1:10-1:20 projected time and ended up right in front of my friend Elaina. Yes, someone to chat with before the cannon! We quickly made friends with everyone else around us talking about wearing wedding rings and peeing on the bike. P.S. I wore my rings! This is terrible, but I kind of like the “click-click” as my rings hit the aero bar/shifter (…as my gold wears away…), and I love being able to look down at them and think about my marriage and family. Because never in a million years did I think I would be doing an ironman. Thank you, Brennen [my husband].

Confession: I lost two baby diamonds off my wedding band this training cycle, which was likely due to swimming. But the ring was under warranty (even nearly 5 years after buying!), so it cost me nothing to fix and was just an inconvenience for me to bring it in and have it repaired.   READ MORE
