Race Coverage

Chisago Reflections...


ED. JOSH MORK and KELLI MORETTER-BUE turned in breakout performances at Chisago Lakes Half last Sunday. Josh won the race, and Kelli cracked the Top 10 with her first sub-5-hour effort. On Facebook, they commented on their Chisago experiences.

KELLI - “Why oh why do we do this?!” “We paid for this suffering!” “I chose this—I must be nuts!” “I’m never doing this again!” All these thoughts go through my head during a race and I’m 100% certain in almost every race I’ve done that I won’t ever...

race again. Until I do. Training and “competing” mean different things to people. To me it’s about living without regrets... About seeing where my limits are... about pushing myself and failing and then trying again and again until I get it... about learning to trust myself and be confident that I can, in fact, do it. I’d be kidding myself if I said I didn’t have time or place goals but at the end of the day it’s in the striving that I find my joy, the journey is actually better than the destination. To share this last completely impromptu moment with my daughter at Sunday’s 70.3 was the perfect way to cross the finish line (thank you @nmoretterbue !). And yes, she did beat me.



JOSH - On Sunday I suited up for another race (3 weekends in a row) at the Chisago Lakes Half Ironman. Typically this race is known for the nasty mid summer heat, which is what I was hoping for as I prep for Kona Ironman, but instead it was quite the opposite. Mild temps, low wind and cloud cover before the big storm. The race started at 7am with a wetsuit legal 1.2 mile swim in calm water. After a few minutes of thrashing to get near the front I had clean water and could swim in control, saving energy. Exiting the swim with a new PR I thought this could be a good day. On to the 56 mile bike I took an early overall lead and again things quickly felt comfortable. I was holding paces that normally only happen during shorter races (26+mph in the flats), my heart rate was steady and I continued think 'save energy and fresh legs' for the 13 mile run. I knew it was going to be a special day when I hopped off the bike and my legs actually felt 'fresh'. I just needed to keep eating gels, taking fluids and licking salt so my body wouldn't shut down. The last few miles got very tough and my mind tried to fool me into walking. As I neared the finish about 30 seconds out I the announcer yell out I had chance to break 4 hours 10 minutes, so I charged up that last hill and with 3 seconds to spare crossed the finish line. What a thrill! Big thanks to Kim for supporting me while I chase these dreams.
