Race Coverage

A Very Special Performance!


The Minnesota Multisport Honors Committee has been closely following the 2019 Rookie of the Year frontrunners. We're talking about two very special women, CARYN HERRICK and PAIGE SCHULZ.

Before last weekend, the ROY race was basically too close to call. Both women had already established themselves at long distances, then Herrick rocked a 3rd place finish at Heart of the Lakes, giving her a prohibitive edge. Paige had yet to demonstrate similar aptitude in a short race.

Then Schulz rocked a 3rd at Chisago, in 4:42:17 no less, while Herrick placed 5th there in 4:51:01. So, if there was any advantage that Caryn enjoyed in the weeks beteen HOLT and Chisago, it evaporated.

Most Committee members were now favoring Paige because she had won a head-to-head confrontation with Caryn...


Two weeks after Chisago, Schulz made her short course debut, a 4th at the YWCA Women's Triathlon. A good effort, though not one that quite matched up with Caryn's podium at Heart of the Lakes.

Then last weekend, Paige raced at IRONMAN MONT-TREMBLANT at a picturesque resort town northwest of Montreal. There she turned in the finest performance by a Minnesota rookie in many years. She was the 3rd amateur woman to cross the line, her time a splendid 10:09:16!

So yes, Paige Schulz is the current ROY frontrunner. But understand that the season is not over, and Herrick is certainly capable of throwing down another stellar performance, or two.

The battle is not over.

Also, 2017 Minnesota Male Triathlete of the Year (and perennial TOY nominee) SEAN COOLEY raced at Mont Tremblant, and he too, performed admirably: 30th overall (including pros) in 9:29:18, a 14-minute improvement on his previous IM best (Kona 2016).



