Race Coverage

High Fives!


By Unny Nambudiripad (https://unnypn.org)


HOPKINS ROYAL TRIATHLON RACE REPORT - On Saturday, August 31, I completed my second triathlon. It went fantastic!

I chose to do the triathlon to feel alive, healthy, and full of vigor, to celebrate life with friends and family, and do my best. And I was very successful in all of those!

Of course celebrating with others involves their active participation! Thanks to Jil, Roshani, Sheff, Lola, Krista, Devan, Brahma, Neil, Phillip, Bernie, Victor,  and my oldest brother Guptan. Three folks that I helped recruit and completed alongside me were Julie, Mike, and my other older brother Krishnan. Thanks to all of you for participating by cheering me on, sharing food after the event, competing with me, running, swimming, or biking with me in the the last few months, and giving me high fives during the race.

Regarding the high fives…the other triathlon I did was this same one four years ago. Near the very end of the race, somebody I didn’t know held up their hand to receive a high five and I gave it. Later that day, I thought that this is not something I would have done when I competed as a runner when I was a teenager. In those years, I thought little of fitness, the social or psychological benefits (though I did gain much in that regard), and focused entirely on getting faster and competing well....


But I understand things are different now: I do the triathlon (as stated above) primarily as a celebration of life, not to compete and have the fastest time. But I also want to do my best, and I train so I can go faster. It’s a balance. And during this race, I gave high fives with enthusiasm. I also cheered on fellow athletes, especially during the run where I felt most confident. But I also tried really hard to finish as fast as I can, and I was happy to have improved significantly. I also appreciate running as a way to de-stress and center myself, and swimming in the lakes as a way to enjoy and connect with nature. What felt great about this triathlon is that I had a sense of balancing those different reasons to do the triathlon.  READ MORE
