Race Coverage

Old Dogs and New Tricks...


By Corey Nygaard (coreynygaard.weebly.com)

Average Jo Triathlon Race Report - It has been a minute since I raced (IMCOZ 2019). And quite a bit has changed in my life, So today was going to be a sort of test to see if I remembered how to do this tRiAtHaLoN thing! Like most people coming back to racing after a hiatus of any length, there are things that come naturally and things that don't. Like how swimming three times before this race may have not been great, or not practicing flying mounts recently made T1 look goofy. But this sport is just like riding a bike, eh?

One thing I said that may have jinxed the mornings weather was the fact I said I was tired of the wind and said as long as it was not windy I did not care what the weather was.... mistake, sorry y'all... I woke up and it was windy and about 60 degrees, which normally is not too bad, but when it starts raining that changes things. I made it to the race site with the folks about an hour before the race started which is plenty of time to set up transition and use the bathroom two maybe three times...

This race was titled as 500 yard swim, 12 mile bike and 5k run.....
I was not sure where to start anymore, given my lack of swim training, so obviously I would start in the front right? Right. The chop was just a rollin' and the buoys to sight were non existent (may as well been bobbers out there) so I just sighted the boat that was out chillin' at the turn around. It worked well enough and was able to not veer off too often. I had two fellas in front of me coming out of the water which was definitely better than I thought. Not a great swim. but not too terrible by any means....

I was looking forward to the bike, like always. My favorite part of any race is when you can get motoring on the roads. Speaking of roads, the start of this race on the bike is kicked off with a good stretch of gravel road, that, depending on the weather could be hard packed or like a sand pit.... today was a sandy trap. Make it out onto the pavement to be greeted by what may be the bumpiest road in Perham. Not a huge deal but we all know what it is like riding on buttery smooth roads (there's just something about it). The bike was an out and back this year because of a bridge being out, no worries... oh but wait there were many worries. Such as: "How fjessiemedals.pngar ahead are these other two kids? Watch out for that pothole. No that pothole! Oh it's raining harder now. Does my speedo look okay?" Meanwhile I made it to the turn around and was fortunate enough to be in front. I got to see everyone else on the way back and just put my head down and used the tailwind to make it back in one piece. First off the bike. I lacked sufficient power today (but those 180 mile rides may have zapped me).


I had shoes fresher than the fresh prince for this race and they helped me be fleet of foot on the run (5k). I have never been able to nail down how to run fast but with the help of Marj (see you soon) I think it has been improving slowly. Gotta' run fast to run fast, who knew?! Anyways, what was I talking about.... I got off to a good start and was looking to have a run I was proud of. I made it to the first intersection and made a left turn like we normally do, gathered myself at the turn around and did my best to negative split on the return trip. Mission success... you can teach an old dog new tricks! The run was out-back and It is always interesting seeing where your fellow competitors are and see how good they are looking. I made it to the finish and was happy to be out of the rain!


I am looking forward to more races in Northern MN this summer and seeing where that can take me later in the season, I usually start my year off well before the end of June, but my season is going to be back heavy and full of good times, Catch y'all later and lets share warm vibes at an upcoming race, eh? RESULTS


ED. Speedo-wearer Corey shared the Winners Circle on Saturday with JESSIE MAHER (photo R), who also won this race in 2019. Check out Corey's blog: https://coreynygaard.weebly.com/


