Race Coverage

"....They're Missing Out."


By Doobie Kurus

Moose Lake Triathlon Race Report - As a race director, I have made a conscious effort to signup for other multisport events in MN, so that I can both learn from them and also to support them. Last year, I tried GraniteMan Big Lake and Clearwater, and YoungLife (Detroit Lakes) for the first time, as well as returning to Green Lake. This year, I tried the Apple Du (Sartell) as well as returning to Buffalo, TimberMan, HOLT, and Brewhouse. This past weekend, I decided to try the Moose Lake Tri for the first time ever. Like several of the triathlons in MN, many people have never heard of the Moose Lake Triathlon, but I think they're missing out. My wife, Joyce, and I stayed in Finlayson with some friends, although there is a campsite right next to the transition area.  

On Saturday morning, we drove to Moose Lake and made my way to the transition area. This tri is on the smaller side, with a field of less than 100, but drew people from all over the state. I even met a woman (Jane Hutzol) from Bismarck, ND who finished 2nd in the women's division, and had done about a 1/2 dozen triathlons...

already this summer. This year, the Race Director was being co-shared by Craig Prodhomme and Jamie Nelson, as Craig steps down after many years in that role. They both did a great job of setting up the venue and courses, as well as clearly explaining instructions to the participants.

happymoose.jpgThe swim course was a triangle shaped course of .4 mile in some pretty clean and calm water. I was in the 2nd wave and managed to be first out of the water in my wave. The 12.5 mile bike route quickly put us on the beautiful Willard Munger Trail up to the city of Barnum, before heading back south through a series of hills on the way back into Moose Lake. I lost a little ground on the lead I had from the swim. Heading out on the run, my legs felt good as I started my 3.4 mile, which is a tad bit longer for a sprint. I made my way back to a crowd of people cheering me on as I spiked my football across the finish line.

It was so nice to be at an event where people stay near the finish line even when the last runner crossed. The overall male was Bill Kelley and the overall female was Lisa Damiani. I finished in 8th place overall (which proves that this must have been a smaller field), but I so enjoyed myself. The field size was smaller than usual BUT I got to meet many of the participants in passing before the race. The awards were reserved for just the top male, female, and relay team, BUT I did get a really cool wooden finisher medal with their logo etched into it. The post race food was basic and simple (bananas, granola bars, and bottled water) BUT there were coupons for free ice cream at 2 different places (I was happy!) and free pints of beer at the Moose Lake Brewery (Joyce was happy!) Many people stuck around in town after the event, checking out the local flea market, farmers stands, restaurants, and the brewery. In fact, Joyce and I met these wonderful newlyweds in their 30s that were doing their first triathlon. They had such a great first experience, and loved that they could train and compete in something together. They had no clue about all of the other triathlons in our state, so Joyce and I filled them in, including great websites, like Minnesota Tri News. After a few pints, we said our goodbyes, and let them know that we hoped to see them at a future triathlon next year. The same goes to each and every one of you reading this article. I hope to see you at numerous triathlons over the years. Triathlons and duathlons shouldn't be "bucket list" items, but rather a life style choice. If you want a great small town triathlon, consider the Moose Lake Tri!   RESULTS
