Race Coverage

Triumph in Tucson...



Four Minnesotans enjoyed a successful start to their 2022 racing seasons yesterday (Saturday) at the Oro Valley Intermediate Triathlon (750m-22.2-4.5) in Oro Valley, an upscale northern suburb of Tucson, Arizona.

Leading the way for the Loon State contingent was Farmington's 2021 Most Improved nominee KATIE DEREGNIER, who earned the women's amateur title by finishing behind local pro Lara Gruden, who rocked a 2nd place overall finish behind men's winner Soren Jensen. Deregnier, who according to our records, now has three career triathlon wins, finished 6th in the overall results.

Women's 3rd place / 2nd amateur went to another Minnesotam, one who also was part of the Most Improved discussion in 2021, KRISTEN HAWKINS of St. Paul. Winner of three multis in 2021, Kristen has landed a podium spot in five of her last seven races. ...


Collecting AG wins were Lakeville husband and wife PAUL and TRACY SERREYN. One of our region's most successful Grand Masters, and Master before that, Tracy dominated her 55-59W divsion, winning by a 15-minute margin and finishing 5th overall in the women's competition. Paul, also a 55-59er, made up a ton of time on both the bike and run, to overtake eventual runner-up Tracy Rivera, by 44 seconds. We learned that Rivera is from the Tuscon area and is an avid wild Alaskan salmon fisherman.

Katie, and hopefully Kristen, will be filing race reports in the near future.

2022 Oro Valley Intermediate RESULTS.
