Race Coverage

Cami's Ironman Debut - Part III...


By Cami Eckhoff

Race day~ Part 3 (this is a long one): The Run

The gal helping me in the changing tent was awesome! She made sure I had my run shorts and tank (maybe next one I can tackle in a full trisuit, but for this race, comfort was the name of the game!), dry socks and shoes, sunscreen, extra nutrition, running belt and hat. She liked the verses I had written out on my forearms too (2 Corinthians 12:9 and Philippians 4:13). One more bathroom stop and out I went!

Once on the course I remember thinking, I’m running a marathon right now! That’s a beast of a run and I’m doing it! I saw my crew around mile 4 where Keith handed me a note from Tyson.

I was really emotional. I couldn’t believe I was already on the run, Keith, Josh and Mel were the best support crew ever, I was grateful, I was hot, I was tired, I was uncertain how my hip would hold up, and I was so determined. I kept an eye on my heart rate and pace but due to the crazy heat and humidity, my heart rate was pretty high for the pace I was going. I felt good though so I didn’t want to back off too much! ...

Around mile 12, I got one more note, from Miles.Just after that, my watch died. I could now only go by feel. It was a blessing because the rest of the marathon I was the most present I could possibly be. I was having fun just running! I took in all of the encouragement from the spectators and cheered on other athletes, I appreciated the help from all of the volunteers, I loved the loud music, knew exactly where the hills were, misting tents, stretches without people cheering, spots where lots of people were cheering, and bits of shade from the downtown buildings (it was a 3 loop course). read more on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cami.eckhoff
