Race Coverage

Positive Takeaways ...



By Brandon Lee

Chattanooga 70.3 race recap - I really do love racing in Chattanooga. This is my 4th race there in two years, and I’m drawn to that beautiful bike course through rolling hills, the great race support, and always stiff competition!

My lead up to this race was semi-conservative, we pulled back training volume some over the winter because it’s a Kona year and a long season! I felt fit coming into the race especially on the bike, swimming fitness is right where I want it to be right now, and there is some work to do on the run. But overall, I felt I could have a good day if I nailed my nutrition.

The swim went well, the current was not super strong, which I was happy about. Definitely have a better idea of where I need to be and what ti work on....

The bike went well for the most part. GI issues early made it tough to get fluids in, managed to catch a group of faster guys. I ended up trying to ride away from that pack but I just ended up pulling it along for the last 15-20 miles. Overall, power was higher than I intended to ride, I had a feeling the run would get super tough knowing I didn’t get in the fluids I needed.

The run started out rough, and I never worked into my intended race pace, it definitely got hot and I was ok with where I was at through mile 7 or 8. I had trouble getting much in on the run and dehydration hit hard in the late stages of the run. Ended up just kind of hobbling in at 4:4-and-change for 9th in 40-44 AG.

Definitely not the race I wanted but I had a great time racing with many teammates and there were many positives to take away!
