Race Coverage

Lots of Cool Stuff in No Particular Order...MORE UPDATES..


* MTN asked Jenny Wilcox (Photo above R - with husband Woodrow) to comment on her un-Jenny-like performance--32nd woman / 9th 35-39--at Duathlon Nationals in Tucson, Arizona, last weekend. Now somewhat tan, Wilcox sent us these words:...

Sure, I can write a little synopsis on the race. Honestly I was a tad disappointed in how it went even though my expectations were pretty low because I have not been running hardly at all for two months because of a small tear (strain) in my soleus (calf) muscle which has lead to a long bout of Achilles tendonitis. I still wanted to come to Tucson since we already had the trip booked and was desperately looking to see the sun and turn my skin into another color other than white.

There was a deeply talented field of both men and women at US Duathlon Nationals, it was very warm and windy-being a Minnesota girl with a cold spring, the heat was challenging and I was feeling pretty out of shape especially compared to the rest of the field. The running course was hilly and the bike course was rolling with some flat sections, but it was a nice course overall, the day was warm and I started thinking of house shopping while on the bike, remembering what the weather was like back at home.

When I was on the second run one of the volunteers wrote my number down and then he biked away
