Race Coverage

Made to be Broken...UPDATED...

cincoRace Coverage - Records, like taco shells, are made to be broken.

Sam Janicki ran like a banshee (pronounced "Banchy") on Saturday at the 4th annual Cinco Du Mayo Duathlon. In fact, he ran like a banshee twice. And betwixt those banshee-esque pedestrian segments, he rode like an banshee; maybe even banshee-er than either run. The result was a 12:44 lowering of Dereck Podratz's race record and the 8th victory of his impressive young career. In Podratz' defense, though, his CR was set under conditions that can best be described as frosty with Edmund Fitzgerald-sinking winds....

joannaSam's record, the first of many set on this day, was performed under absolutely ideal conditions and against the stoutest men's field assembled to date. Seven of the guys who pushed Janicki, whose margin of victory over runner-up Dan Arlandson was 2:29, also dipped under Dereck's old standard.

As herculean as Sam's effort was, the one turned in by 53-year-old stud horse Charlie Roach, who despite the length of his teeth is a frequent Top 10 overall finisher in regional events, was equally impressive. When the dust settled, Charlie had placed 6th overall in a masters record-shattering 1:32:06 over the hilly 5K-20 mile-5K route. Yes, he was one medericof the eight guys to better the previous men's CR.

The women's race was won by Diane Hankee, who was victorious here in 2009 and 2nd in 2010. It was Diane's 10th career win. Her 1:38:50 was only one measly second off Jenny Wilcox's race best, which was set last year. Filling out the women's podium were 2010 Rookie of the Year nominee Claire Bootsma and former Fairmont Olympic winner Nancy Flury, 40.

The companion sprint course du (2-10-2) was won by the husband and wife team of Mederic and Joanna Hall (photos L), two frighteningly attractive people. The Halls finished 1-2 overall and each lowered their respective gender's CR, Mederic by a polite six seconds, Joanna by a rather cruelish 7:38.

Here are the podiumers:

Long Course Men - 1. Sam Janicki - 1:21:50, 2. Dan Arlandson - 1:24:19, 3. Ross Weinzierl - 1:26:14.

Long Course Women - 1. Diane Hankee - 1:38:50, 2. Claire Bootsma - 1:40:21, 3. Nancy Flury - 1:47:40.

Sprint Men - 1. Mederic Hall - 53:36, 2. Nolan Barrios - 58:16, 3. Fred Stephens - 1:03:54.

Sprint Women - 1. Joanna Hall - 56:19, 2. Nordic Stocker - 1:00:24, 3. Meredith Rambous - 1:02:29.

When participant Tom Couillard, who won his division for the 2nd week in a row (1st 60-64M at Falls Du last week), was asked to describe today's race, his understated reply was, "It was really good."

It definitely was! RESULTS

claire* Cinco runner-up Claire Bootsma (photo L) sent us this cool race synopsis:

If you weren't at the Cinco Du Mayo Du you missed out on a good time. The weather cooperated, affirming that it is finally multisport season in Minnesota...thank goodness! It was so lovely to hear that announcer guy's magnified voice saying ridiculous things while you transition. If I were asked to pick on word to describe the race course it would be this: HILLS. But the thing about hills in a race is everyone has to do them, and you feel much more accomplished at the end of the race. Or sore. Or both. Another offering of the course is its wildlife viewing: both cows and horses could be seen at several points. I always wonder what those animals are thinking when they see a constant stream of spandex clad bikers rolling past their field. All the volunteers were great and the course was well marked, I don
