Race Coverage

A Lifetime in a Day...

scott & todd(Rapid City Journal / by Aaron Rosenblatt - Elite triathletes / ultra runner studs, Todd Firebaugh and Scott Penticoff embracing at the conclusion of their inspiring 100 mile odyssey.)

By Scott Penticoff

Race Coverage / Special Feature - Everyone - What an adventure we all had in the Black Hills! Don't know where to begin really as the memories are plentiful and will likely forget to mention or thank someone, if I do I apologize. So while fresh and before the race report I need to thank some specific people who got me to the finish line literally! First and foremost my rock is my wife Renee who has supported me on this journey for the past 9 months. She also had the smile and cheer at the aid stations that I looked for, and who has always believed in me...even when I didn't, love you baby! My girls Jenna (12) and Olivia (8) are my little shining lights, who think I am a little crazy...I agree. My crew and mojo brothers (Novak, Sterg and Olson) who did things other men probably shouldn't do for each other, except for in an Ultra. They not only shared...

running the last 50 miles of the race, but changed my socks, gave me and kept track of my nutrition and hydration, Novak took my mind off the negative that the course was 5 miles long, Olson who guided me through a hail storm, Sterg who did surgery on my toe at mile 75 in the dark and gave me the jacket off his back after crossing the river 5 times while I was shaking. Without these guys I can tell you I would not have made it. Lastly, my running buddy and brother Todd Firebaugh who I went step for step for the entire 100 miles. This guy is men among men and the toughest most willed person I know. The guy literally ran the last 50 miles of the race without the bottom skin of his feet, and found out from the doctor it is equivalent to second degree burns on his feet. Todd found a quote for me but think it describes him "Hard times don't last, hard men do"...yeah he is tough and my brother. To all the other AD4AP runners and their support teams and families, we all really worked together to get us all to the finish.
