Race Coverage

Rectangular Loch...


(Cool Photo by Drew Frakes - Becky Youngberg disobeying the speed limit sign.)

Square Lake (Short Course) - Who the heck is Andrea Meyers?

She was the girl who, according to posted results, finished 2nd at Square Lake on Saturday. Apparently, she outraced a bevy of talented women and was beaten only by Becky Youngberg, the winningest girl on the Minnesota multi scene this year. FYI, Becky's 1:30:56 landed her in 5th place overall and was the...

2nd fastest women's time in the 12-year history of this race. Marnie Walth's CR was only three seconds faster.

We've Googled until we're blue in the fingertips, but haven't been able to find anything about a triathlete named Andrea Meyers. We're aware of an Andrea Myers (no first "e"), who used to live in Crystal and was, and is, a very good triathlete. She now lives in Ohio, where she's won a butt-load of races over the years. She raced at Square Lake in 2001 and 2000 and placed 5th both times.chris

Can't be her, right? The age is about the same, though. Perhaps a data-inputting error...

OR, the name Andrea Meyers could be one of Milan Tomaska's many nefarious
