Race Coverage

"I Can't Complain".....

guysLAKE WACONIA RACE REPORT (marcusstromberg.com - July 8, 2013)

By Marcus Stromberg


As I reviewed my Race Schedule after the Best of the US Championships and heading into this race, my coach and I determined that in order to make the improvements I was hoping for this season, I was going to have to train through this one. Obviously, I wanted to be able to race as well as I could but this meant that I may not be as rested as I normally am going into a race. We had a number of harder bike and run sessions scheduled in the week leading up to the race but I was still feeling pretty good and was excited to be racing against some really great talent. Scheduled to be on the starting line was David Thompson (Minnesota

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Crying "Uncle!"

setupBy Dan Hedgecock (danhedgecock.blogspot.com)

St. Louis 5150 Race Report - If you looked at the results from the 5150 St. Louis Tri last weekend you might have said to yourself something like this,

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Champagne Baths & White Knuckles...

trinonaBy Dan Hedgecock (danhedgecock.blogspot.com - posted June 27)

If you've been racing in Minnesota this spring you probably have a little more hair on your chest now because the weather has been TOUGH. Lots of rain, clouds, cold and wind. Last weekend Claire and I drove down to La Crosse, WI and stayed with Claire's sister Sarah before racing at Trinona. We had a fun road trip even though we were both shivering cold by the time awards was over. Dave Schutz puts on the race and really delivers on the experience. Winona is his hometown so he's personally invested in the race and it shows. There are even podium girls to give out the awards. I was second to Thompson, which I was happy with and managed to barely win the King of the Mountain bluff climb again....

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devonBy Devon Palmer (palmertri.wordpress.com - posted July 1)

I am a fan of Ironman racing. Coverage varies race by race but there is always someone I am rooting for at these events. Usually with domestic races I know a few of the pros and there are a few local athletes to check up on. Even if all the coverage available is sporadic updates and tweets from people who are at the race I pay attention. I

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The Lay's Potato Chips of Triathlons...

king and queen(Photo - Queen Reilly, King Isaac and Amy, who is an UBER-HOOT!)

Croixathlon VIII - On a weekend acned with multisport events, approximately 200 of our region's swim-bike-runners descended on Camp St. Croix south of Hudson, Wisconsin to participate in the 8th annual Croixathlon, which is arguably the "funnest" triathlon in the upper Midwest. It starts with its buccaneery theme, played lovingly to the hilt by race directors Amy and Gretchen and the other woman whose name we can never remember. All three of those ladies purposely

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A Great Day in a Great Place...

nicole(FB Photo - 50-54W champ Susan Woods & women's surprise runner-up, Nicole Heininger, discussing footwear.)

Lake Waconia - The 24th Lake Waconia Triathlon was a true celebration. A celebration of a lifestyle and its physical, spiritual and social benefits. A celebration of youthfulness and movement. A celebration of friendships, old and new. A celebration of the belated arrival of the Minnesota summer, and at their best, there are no finer summers anywhere. A celebration of Midwestern life.

A celebration of Triathlon.

Last Sunday was a great day to be triathlete and there was no better place to be one than at big, beautiful, albeit slightly bumpy, Lake Waconia....

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