Race Previews

Faribault Family Fun Triathlon Stuff...

Is it pronounced "Fair-Rib-Bow?" Or "Fair-Rib-Balt?" Never figured that one out.

Whether you pronounce it "Frenchly" or "Anglicany," Faribault, Minnesota, is a totally cool town with lots of great stuff to see, do and consume.

It is also the home of the Faribault Family Fun Triathlon, an event that is celebrating it's 3rd anniversary on Saturday, May 22. What do we know about this event? Only what we can learn from visiting it's webpage and the fact that it's in a totally cool town, one that is well worth visiting. Our point is this, check out the race, then check out the town. Our guess is that you'll be glad you did.

We also suggest that you visit the city's website LINK. There's lots of cultural and historical stuff to see, great places to recreate and lots of shopping and dining options. For us, all we have to see is that cool castle-like building in the woods in the photo at the top of this post to make us want to visit Faribault.

Looking for cool eateries and a place to get a drinkie or a caffeinated bev in Faribault, here's some recommendations:

If you like cheese, the Cheese Cave sounds like an awesome place. It's like the great "Cheeseries" of Europe, only closer. They hand-craft like 5000 kinds of totally yummy fromages (that's French for "cheeses") that run the entire olfactory range from almost odorless to truly stinky. Check out their WEBSITE.

For pizza, we suggest Basilleo's. We liked their WEBSITE and think their boxes are cool.

For info on Faribault's restaurants, bars and coffee shops, we suggest you check out this SITE.
