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Kona Predictions...

logoHawaiian Ironman World Championships - Our sport's Super Bowl is Saturday and our butts will be resolutely planted on our swively office chairs like the tendrilly roots of a fig tree, which according to Wiki.Answers.com has the deepest roots of any tree.

And our eyes will be frozen to our iMac's 20-something inch screen like as many Jeff Daniels' tongues on the frosty support poles of a chair lift. (You saw "Dumb and Dumber," right?) The delivery guy from Red's Savoy on White Bear Avenue has already been instructed to...

deliver a Pepperoni Lovers directly to our office, entering our home without knocking, climbing the stairs to the main level, turning right then entering the first door on the left and placing the greasy 14-incher on the table that bears the sign: Place Pizza Here. An Andrew Jackson, enough to cover the pizza's cost plus a 17.2% tip, will be next to the sign. Pizza Guy's first delivery will be at 4PM; his second at 8:30.

Though MTN's primary focus is on the "The Engine of our Lifestyle," i.e. the amateur, and especially those from our region, this post will include some pro predictions as well as AG ones. Let's start with the pro stuff.

* We predict that Switzerlan'd CAROLINE STEFFEN will win the women's pro race, and do so in an insane time, say 8:53, which would lower Chrissie Wellington's 2009 CR. This assumes that the weather forecast that was posted on wunderground.com today, yesterday to you, holds up.

britneydesireeHere are Caroline's 2012 IM highlights: 1st @ Ironman Melbourne (8:34:51!) & Ironman Frankfort (8:52:33). (She also won the ITU Long Distance World Championships in Spain.)

* An American woman has not podiumed at Kona since Britney Spears-sorta-look-a-like-if-you-squint (photos L) Desiree Ficker did so in 2006. (Des placed 2nd behind Michellie Jones.) Yes, we totally think that a US woman will crack the Top 3 on Saturday. Who, you ask? Mary Beth Ellis. Or Lindsay Corbin. Or Meredith Kessler. Or Kelly Williamson. Or Caitlin Snow. Of this group, we suspect that ELLIS has the best shot at a Top 3.

* An American dude has not reached the Big Island podium since 2009 (Chris Lieto). As with the women, we feel strongly that a USer will earn an overall Top 3 medal. Who? Either JORDAN RAPP or ANDY POTTS. Rapp has two IM wins this year (NYC and Texas); Potts won Lake Placid by more than a half hour.

Now for the AG predictions. The following guys, plus a few others, will break 9-hours:

* SAMI INKINEN (CA) - PR - 8:37 (Ironman Sweden '12)

* SAM GYDE (Belgium)



The following AG women, and perhaps a few others, will crack 10-hours:katrin

* KATRIN ESEFELD (GER- photo R) - Our pick to win the amateur title. Her PR is 9:49 (Regensburg '12).

* DANIELLE KEHOE (CO) - 2012 70.3 World Championship Top Amateur



We also predict that 2010 Minnesota Master of the Year GREG TAYLOR will win the 55-59 AG, as he did in 2011. Moreover, he'll break 10-hours. (10:03 in 2011)

This post is intended to stimulate thought and conversation. The predictions are for poops and giggles only, a demonstration of caring, not knowing. In general, most predictions are full of do do. These are no exception.
