Race Previews

Feel Like a Kid Again...

bertam-blas.gifBy Dr. Brett Oden

Inaugural Bertram Blast Race Preview - This is my prescription for the vast majority of us who find that we are spending way too much time in front of a screen. Granted exercise is like sex: even when its bad, its good; but some is much more restorative than others. Lately I’ve found that time spent among the trees is far better for me physically and mentally than out on the roads. In terms of health, higher...

oxygen levels and lower carbon monoxide levels in the woods compared to the streets do make a difference. With the alarming rise in heartbreaking deaths among triathletes hit by vehicles while biking, retreat to the relative safety of the woods seems to make sense also. But perhaps most important is something non quantifiable that is programmed in our genes, that we were bertram-stuff.gifadapted to run through woods and fields, and doing so seems to restore that part of us, even if just for a moment before we climb back in our cars and battle rush hour traffic. I know I feel much more like a kid again on my mountain bike exploring new trails than when I’m following a white line obeying traffic laws, and that’s good enough reason for me to swap bikes regularly.

I’ve also come full circle on the issue of use of technology in training and racing for me personally. I did my first triathlon without regard to heart rate or splits or any sort of data, even drawing flack by a certain announcer for wearing cargo shorts. I went on to be the first kid on the block with the latest accelerometer and graphing software, back when we all still had flip phones. Running an exercise physiology lab, I helped beginners and pros alike exercise smarter and scientifically. I helped companies develop and beta test performance gear. I have almost 20 years of data as I pushed for new PRs. I was always intrigued though by pros like Natascha Badmann, who during her visit to Buffalo to train and race, didn't so much as wear a watch and went totally by ”feel”. Now, you wont find me checking HR, calculating splits, or watching a power meter. Listening only to my body and the sounds of nature has replaced all that for me, and that seems better for my soul. Maybe I’m just old and lazy, but if a trail run is more efficient at restoring balance in my life than another track workout, I’m all about it.

Bertram Lake has been my sanctuary for two decades now. Most of those years it was a barely used YMCA camp, and the mountain bike trails were known by few, our little secret. I knew I could always go there and bike for hours without seeing another human but encounter all sorts of wildlife. With the recent purchase of the land from YMCA by Wright County and the City of Monticello, it is becoming a wonderful place for many to enjoy. It is soon to become the largest county park in the state, and has plans for campgrounds, an athletic complex, and multiple soccer and ball fields in addition to the existing trail system and YMCA facilities. My hat is off to the MORC guys for some epic upgrades to the mountain bike trails, which are still nice and isolated from the another amenities and offer stands of pine forest unique among metro mountain bike trails.

I have been asked by various entities to start other new races on the heels of the success of the Buffalo Triathlon, and turned them down, enjoying my participant-only status for a few years. But when Wright County and the City of Monticello asked me to put on a race showcasing the new park, I couldn't refuse. Bertram Chain of Lakes Park is a true gem and a very personal place for me. The recent protection of the land from development and dedication to public use is exemplary, and a cause I can get behind.

Besides filling the need for an Xterra-style full offroad triathlon in Minnesota, I plan on some other unique additions to the race. We are fortunate to have a brand new YMCA complex adjacent to transition, which is going to serve as entertainment for both racers and their families. What other race can you go hop on a zip line while you’re waiting for the awards ceremony? Or have the kids hit a water park while you're on your bike?

brett-and-dog.gifTo further help promote triathlon as a family and social event, I’m also doing some unique things with the race. You have the ability to sign up for the full triathlon or only the bike and run or only the run. This gives families and groups of friends the ability to all participate together without being a team. I know I cherish my time running with my two daughters, and wanted a way to have parents and children or spouses or friends be able to run and finish together, so trail run participants will be able to wait in transition and join in the race whenever they choose. Despite being three events in one (Tri/Du/Run) it still all flows together with one big party at the finish line. And of course in full Oden style, with free food and a live concert…some of us know why we get to the finish line!

I’ve positioned the race midsummer to hopefully encourage some cross training amongst traditional triathletes as their season progresses to keep them refreshed and from falling in a rut and burning out on triathlon before summer’s end. Hopefully everyone will get all tuned up early for the Buffalo Triathlon; I will be there and would never miss it! But then as the dirt trails are dry and the woods are in their full glory, I hope the smart ones start mixing in mountain biking and trail runs for those cross training benefits. And because its just darn good for the soul and makes you feel like a kid again.
