Race Previews

Make History!

logoRace Preview - The inaugural Life Time Leadman Triathlon in Nevada was a "Wait-and-See" race. Lots of athletes were interested in the event, but it was soooooo unique and challenging that they chose to wait-and-see how it went. Maybe they'll sign up for next year's event if all goes well this time around.

Well, only 49 intrepid souls chose to do that event, and less than half of them finished. Still, what the waiters-and-seers learned via post-race word-of-mouth is that they missed a helluva race, one that's destined for greatness and humongous participant numbers.

Leadman was a FANTASTIC event!

The inaugural TwinCities Triathlon is also a wait-and-see race. About 300 have accepted the challenge so far, while thousands of others are waiting to see how an urban tri with a Mississippi River swim turns out....

Here at MTN, we think that this event will become an Instant Classic, an iconic presence in a tri-scene that boasts so many super-duper races. Yes, swimming in the Old Man, Big Muddy, Mighty Mississip is daunting. But the folks that do it this year will be telling their friends about it on Sunday afternoon. And we think that most will be enthusiastic endorsers. And if you haven't seen OptumHealth Performance's swim video, yet, link HERE. It's totally BEAST! Seriously! And the Dixieland / New Orleans-ish soundtrack is awesome.devon

The swim will be FAST (with the current), hyper-supported and ultra-scenic (for those who look up once in a while).

Once out, that's when the real challenge begins. There are some gnarly climbs on the bike route. The run isn't flat either.

So, check out the video and if you're not registered for an event this weekend, sign up for this one. Be among those who Make History on Sunday. Or come out and watch or volunteer. All events need great volunteers, and if groups of 30 or more make themselves available, race orgrnanizers will donate $500 to that group's designated charity.

How cool is that!
