
Sickness & Setbacks...

stomachED. MTN is following Michelle Andres preparations for the 2013 Hawaiian Ironman World Championships. Here is another installment, purloined with permission, which is a contradiction, from her blog. For those who may not know, Michelle is Minnesota's all-time fastest Iron Woman.

By Michelle Andres (teamandreskona.blogspot.com)

It is day 5 and I

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Marcus' Deal & Weekend Results...

hangoverBy Marcus Stromberg (marcusstromberg.com)

The circumstances and events leading up to and surrounding this race can only be fully understood in a review of the timeline of events similar to that of the Hollywood hit

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Tadpole Nelson...

tadpoleED. Elaine Nelson is a tremendous endurance athlete. A national-level Nordic skier, she has proven in her first two years as a triathlete that she also possesses national-class skills in that discipline. When we learned that she was preggers, we asked her if we could post stuff about her gestation so that the entire Minnesota multisport community could celebrate the experience, albeit without the cravings, bloating and other discomforts, with her and her husband, tri-dentist, Grant.

Hi MTN Guys,

Hope you're doing well and not working too hard!

We had our 20w ultrasound and everything still looks good. We're having a BOY! My husband, Grant, is super excited. (I honestly thought all along we were having a girl - better return those girl clothes I bought!). The fetus (aka "Tadpole") is very active and loves to go weight-lifting, running, and swimming with me (he gets a little quieter on the bike - maybe a little squished?)....

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Bruises, Mud, Disgusting Lockerrooms...

suzFrom The Ashes

By Suzie Fox (suz--news.blogspot.com)

Gear West Du Race Report - On April 27 I crashed my road bike and hit my throat really hard on the cockpit between the handlebars. I ended up with a severe injury to my trachea and my left foot didn't unclip right away, it caught a little and I tore my hip flexor. Then I ended up with a strained hamstring, groin, and adductor all on the same side as the hip flexor as a result of compensation just trying to walk and do the little non training things to get through the day like put pants on and get in and out of the car. I had been putting in solid 20-22 hour training weeks and just three weeks earlier on April 6 I did a 22.26 mile run, then suddenly my life had been reduced to not being able to pick up a dog poop or swallow food and water without pain, let alone run....

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Apple Stuff....


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