
Rocks Are Hard...

richRocks are hard, and other lessons I learned while in Arizona over Spring Break...

This Coach/Triathlete is Learning to Mountain Bike (and you should too)

by Rich Van Sickle
USA Triathlon Level I Certified Coach


Over the past year I

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Inspiring Ann...

ann(Photo L - After completing her mini-sprint and a brief rest, Ann McCarthy was back on her feet and ringing an orange YWCA bell cheering on a friend.)

Ann McCarthy: Triathlete in the Olympian spirit

By Tom Couillard

Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games and author of the Olympic Creed, must have been an athlete in the spirit of triathlete Ann McCarthy. He wrote:

"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered, but to have fought well."

McCarthy has struggled and fought well. So well, in fact, that despite knee replacements in 2009 and 2010, rotator cuff surgery and ankle issues, she has completed two indoor mini-sprint triathlons at the YWCA of Minneapolis. The most recent was Sunday, April 7.

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Michelle Loves Coffee, Wind & Warm Weather...

konaED. - Minnesota's Premier Ironwoman's Road to Kona...

By Michelle Andres (teamandreskona.blogspot.com)

What I

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What Ironmaning Does to Your Bod...

bikerThe following story explains exactly what the body goes through over 140.6 miles of racing. This story originally appeared in the January/February, 2009 edition of Inside Triathlon magazine.

By Matt Fitzgerald

From the outside, swimming, cycling and running appear as movement. But from inside the triathlete

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Stud Horse Philanthropist..

jeremyBar Raisers - Last week we profiled Curt Wood, a great athlete who left Minnesota's tri scene in 2009. We wanted to introduce him and his stellar accomplishments to that large group of tri-and-du-athletes who have since (after 2009) become members of our multisport community. We wanted these new folks to know that their predecessors were totally cool people, in addition to being awesome athletes.

Today we're gonna tell you some stuff about a Canadian transplant named Jeremy Sartain. Like Curt Wood, Jeremy has not been a visible force on the regional racing scene since 2009, which was a recovery year for him. For those that don't know, Jeremy's athletic career, indeed his life, was almost ended by a devastating motorcylce accident in 2008. Before then he was, purely and simply, ....

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