Devonic Tidbits....

GLASSESThe Road to the Gopher-Badger Ironwar

By Devon Palmer

Posted on August 12, 2013 by palmertri

As you know Ironman Wisconsin is hosting an epic battle between Madison

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We're Totally Bummed...

lwtFor Immediate Release: Lake Waconia Triathlon Ownership Departure

After 24 years, the Lake Waconia Triathlon (LWT) will no longer be under the leadership of Race Founder Tom Konrardy, current Race Director Marvin Denzer, and other key individuals, namely Jean Konrardy, Jeff Schnobrich, Tracy Shupe, Michelle Cox, Eric Nordin and Shelly Denzer, who executed an exit strategy to ensure a complete ownership departure.

Much has changed over the years, but the essential philosophies held steadfast because of the scores of dedicated volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure a safe and successful race each and every year. Sincere appreciation is extended by LWT's founder and committee to everyone; the loyal and hard-working volunteers, sponsors like Gearwest, Ridgeview Medical Center, and Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative and others, race participants, the City of Waconia, and many surrounding communities....

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Masters of their Domains...UPDATED...

gregkevin(Photos - 2012 and 2011 Minnesota Masters of the Year Greg Taylor and Kevin O'Connor.)

2013 Male Master of the Year Report Card - As it is a super year for rookies and juniors, it is also a big year for male masters (M-40-59). There are a dozen or so 40+ men that have set high standards this year, and it will be a shame when

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Stuff About Do-Do....

tpMany endurance athletes are forced to deal with irritable bowel syndrome and must find ways to minimize its effects during racing and training. In this article, Molly Hurford explains why it seems to affect so many and how to deal with it. (triathlon.competitor.com - Published June 14, 2013)

It was an almost perfect start to my first triathlon when those three little words made my heart sink into my already churning stomach: no toilet paper. For a nervous triathlete, hearing that is akin to the end of the world. For a nervous triathlete with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), it

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Jim's Aquatic Heebie Jeebie-ism...

water fearED. James Barke is an aspiring triathlete who suffers from "AHJ" (Aquatic Hebbie Jeebie-ism), also known as "Swimophobia," aka, "No-kidding, I-can't-swim-and-even-putting-my-face-in-the-water-totally-freaks-me-out." He's launched a blog that is chronicling his journey.

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