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ribED. - When we heard that Minneapolis triathlete April Morgan had a Ribectomy, we asked her to share that experience with our readers. The photo (L) is of a cool little chunk of April's rib, a gift from her docs. (She would have preferred jewelry.)

By April Morgan

Well it all started end of February when I started to notice this random tightness and swelling in my right arm during swim sessions. I figured I must have tweaked a muscle somehow, or perhaps it was just overuse. My right arm looked bigger, but I thought

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Enigmatic Legend...

peter propInside Triathlon Archives: Searching For Peter Reid

Published: Mar 29th 2011 3:22 PM UTC by TJ Murphy (LINK)

Three-time Ironman world champion Peter Reid is one of the most popular figures in triathlon, and yet he remains an enigma to many in the sport. In fact, he disappeared from triathlon altogether in 2007. In 2009, Inside Triathlon magazine contributing editor T.J. Murphy went looking for him. The story about what unfolded on this journey has become one of the magazine

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Intinerant Finder of Stuff...

cat(Photo - Kris Kuhn making the bad luck mistake of walking under a black cat.)

Going Off Course - Robbinsdale by way of Starbuck triathlete Kris Kuhn is totally into a thing called geocaching.

What is that, you ask?

Well, it's like Hide & Seek and you're it. You're not trying to find hiding people, though. Your have to find hidden stuff. Here's where it gets weird and cool. The stuff that you have to find is not in or around your house. You'll not find what you're looking for under the bed or behind curtains. Or behind that maple in your back yard.

Where then is the hidden stuff geocachers are looking for?

In the lobby of an abandoned hotel in the modern ghost town of Pripyat in the "Zone of Alienation" in northern Ukraine. Or in a Sherpa's yak wool mid-bootie in Pangboche, Nepal. Or under a steaming pile of Water Buffalo dung in Chonburi, Thailand. Or by a Charlie Brown statue in St. Paul, Minnesota (photo below)...

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Aliens Among Us...

leeED. Lee Gruenfeld is a great guy, a towering intellect and an awesome writer. We like to dress up most of the stories we post with cool photos and/or compelling art. Lee's eloquence does not require that kind of support. His beautiful words are more than enough.

For those who have read this article before, it's certainly worth revisiting. For those who have not, we know you'll enjoy and appreciate Lee's words.

By Lee Gruenfeld (for Ironman.com)

Experience is a harsh teacher -- she gives the test before she gives the lesson - and once in a while we need a reminder that toeing the start line at Ironman isn't an automatic ticket to a lifetime of bragging rights....

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Too Much Coffee & Aristocratic Dog Names...

jo(Photo -Joanna and Mederic Hall. The photo is slightly distorted and so is the content of this post. We may have embellished it a teensy weensy bit.)

Going Off Course - Rochester triathlete Joanna Hall admits to having OCD tendencies, which is a psychological deal having to do with stuff like obsessions and compulsions and disorders. No, she doesn't wash her hands 150 times a day, nor is she afraid to step on sidewalk cracks even though doing so is never a good idea, especially if you love your mother. Only a real jerk would want to break his mother's back by stepping on a sidewalk crack. Sure, Ma may be a real drag sometimes...

We digress.

Joanna doesn't suffer from an extreme form of OCD. Her obsessions and compulsions and disorders have to do with benign stuff like drinking way too much coffee, improperly detasseled corn, and giving her Dog Show dogs excessively aristocratic names like, and we're not making this up, "Jordan Duke of Windtree."

Okay, maybe the naming thing is an example of extreme OCD....

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